Days 15-19

Our sincere apologies for not having written lately, it has been a bit busy to say the least.  The last few days have not been good for poor Kimbell.  Her counts have been great but it stops there.  Kimbell’s days for the most part consist of sleep, vomiting, nurses, doctors, more vomiting, excruciating dressing changes and bleeds.  All the days kind […]

Day +10 – Information for Packages / Donations

…just posted the update and totally forgot to give this information. Several of you have been asking about where to send packages, make donations & what to get for Kimbell.  When I read your comments and things to Kimbell yesterday about these topics she started crying because she was so happy.  I asked what was wrong and she told me […]

Day +10 – Morning Update

Good morning everyone!  Thank you all for the emails, cards, packages, calls, texts, etc. etc. etc.  Kimbell has been very excited to hear/receive all of them!  It completely takes her mind off things for a short amount of time.  Thank you for making her day special 🙂 Over the last 24 hours we have been able to get the pain […]

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