Day +10 – Morning Update

Good morning everyone!  Thank you all for the emails, cards, packages, calls, texts, etc. etc. etc.  Kimbell has been very excited to hear/receive all of them!  It completely takes her mind off things for a short amount of time.  Thank you for making her day special 🙂

Over the last 24 hours we have been able to get the pain somewhat under control.  As usual, there are some major up’s and down’s…but overall we are working to a better place.  Yesterday Kimbell’s very good friend “S” came to visit again for a few hours.  It’s awesome to see Kimbell light up with life when “S” come over.  “S” and her family (R, R, E & S) have been close friends for years and live near us in Texas.  They even extended their stay in MN to visit Kimbell for a few extra days.  Paige, Kimbell and I cannot thank them enough for all they’ve done for us.  I wish every kido and family could have friends like this…

It’s about noon here and Kimbell’s still sound asleep. 🙂  After playing for several hours yesterday I bet she naps a lot today! haha!  Rest does the body good… 🙂  Hopefully Kimbell’s new marrow will start growing and blood counts should begin to rise somewhere around day 21-28.  We have a few more weeks of up’s and down’s from what the doctors are telling us, but with your prayers and support hopefully the low’s will keep getting higher and higher to the point where Kimbell returns to her ‘normal’ abilities.  So, all in all we are in a better place than we were a few days ago, but certainly not in a good place.  The doctors came in this morning concerned because Kimbell is on soooo much medicine… they wanted to back off some things a bit.  Our fear, as you could imagine is that she’ll be in horrible pain, start bleeding a lot again and vomit like she was.  The current plan is to hold steady on the meds for today and see how things go.  We will try to post again later this evening with another update.


R, R, E & S: Thank you for all you’ve done for us.  You’ve been there though the good times and the bad.  You always bring smiles, jokes, laughter, support and love.  We love all of you and are blessed to have you as friends.



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