Quick Update!

Writing quickly before the Halloween Party at Give Kids the World! We left for Kimbell’s wish trip on Thursday evening and I will never be able to thank everyone that has contributed to her wish and I mean everyone.  From the Miltenbergers, Diane, Greg, Sheri, Rob, 501st Legion (Fort Worth & Orlando), Stitch, cast members, anyone and everyone that has put a smile on our little girl’s face you have made her feel special and happy 🙂 we are forever grateful!

Tomorrow is Karing 4 Kimbell at SCS.  We can’t wait to hear all about it!!!  All of the prayers, notes, support and generosity is what is going to get Kimbell home!  We are so very humbled and appreciative of the love and support.  Here is the link where donations are being collected for Kimbell’s transplant costs:  http://cota.donorpages.com/PatientOnlineDonation/COTAforKimbellS/

Monique had these made up check them out 🙂  and order one if you are interested in a T-Shirt.  They also support Kimbell’s transplant!!! So cool! 🙂  https://www.booster.com/kimbellstevenson

More to come but in the meantime you have to check this guy out www.gregmccullough.com  He is awesome and had a hand in making her day ULTRA SPECIAL yesterday! (more to come!)

Thanks a ton for following Kimbell, making her life special and all of your prayers.  All of you are AMAZING!!!  God Bless!!

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