Quick update…

Seems that we are always posting “quick updates”, but this one is meaningful- Kimbell officially has a donor!!!!!! Yes, you read correctly! 🙂 we received final confirmation from UMN yesterday, quickly packed the car and are on our way to Minnesota to start the work up process. Tuesday morning bright and early Kimbell will begin scans, tests, etc. Full head to toe work up and then go inpatient around June 19 to start chemo. The actual new bone marrow is scheduled to be “transplanted” on July 2nd!!!!!

Kimbell is very excited & nervous at the same time. She cannot wait to “be normal” yet she’s not quite sure what that will be like since she’s lived her entire life with this condition. I suppose over the years she has adapted to frequent doctor visits, infusions, medications, being treated differently, etc so I completely understand where she’s coming from. Kimbell even wants to keep her port! Haha! 🙂

Anyway, just a quick update for everyone letting you know that things are progressing. Thank you all so very much for all of your support, prayers and kindness. God Bless!

P.S. We still owe all of you stories, pictures and many “thank you’s” from the Wish Trip. Those are still coming…time has been very limited lately…

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3 thoughts on “Quick update…

    • Author gravatar

      Thanks for the update. Sending lots of prayers.
      Will be thinking of you all on July 2nd! HUGS!!!

    • Author gravatar

      Yeah! I’m so excited she has an “official” donor! Can’t wait to hear stories when you all get back. I love to hear stories from Kimbell!

    • Author gravatar

      Hi Kimbell, Linda and I are so excited about finding a donor. That is great news. We really hope you fell much better once you recover. Linda and I are Alaska. Just got here today (6/7) and we have been finding that accessing the internet is a problem. Think about this. Tonight the sun sets at 11:27pm and rises at 4:02am and we haven’t even gotten to the longest day of the year yet.

      So happy for you and wish you the best.
      Kent and Linda

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