Pre BMT Workup

We have been so busy this past week at the hospital it is crazy.   I have tried to update so many times and without fail the doctor always walks in!  This past week Kimbell saw 5 different specialist, had 3 CT scans, a spinal tap, bone marrow biopsy, an MRI without sedation (go K!), poked countless times, pulmonary function tests, and more that I can’t remember!  Tomorrow we have to go back to see yet another specialist and some exercise pulmonary test.  Tuesday we close out with the BMT team to get all of the results and to finalize the schedule.  They are still waiting on the couriers travel schedule but unless the donor lives really close the BMT will be on July 2nd.  If the courier arrives early on 7/1 then the schedule will be moved back one day.

Friday Kimbell will get her hickman line, and her sinuses cultured because one is starting to fill up already.  She will then be admitted to the BMT floor and start chemo.  They are using three different types of chemo.  Campath will be given once a day for three days (-12 through -10), Busulfan four times a day for four days (-9 through -6) and then Fludarabine for four days (-5 through -2).  Finally she will get a day of rest on day -1 and day 0 is when she will get her bone marrow from the gracious donor.

We got a tour of the BMT unit.  It is really nice and soooo quiet.  They have sponsored rooms and unsponsored rooms.  We are really hoping we get a sponsored room K was really excited about all of the extra electronics that come in a sponsored room!

My parents got into town a couple of days ago which has been a nice distraction!  Happy Father’s day to all the dad’s out there.  I know Kimbell has been so excited to celebrate her amazing dad 🙂

Thank you all for the continued prayers, love and support.

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