Day +6

Well the last two days have unfortunately been quite eventful.  Kimbell’s pain continues to increase, which is expected, and the BMT team is incredible at keeping up with it.  We are extremely thankful for that!  The last two days have been filled primarily with sleep with her waking up to get a bolus and going back to sleep.  We have long wondered if Kimbell’s platelets functioned correctly, well now I don’t think there is any doubt.  Last night her platelets were 37, this floor doesn’t transfuse until you are under 10.  She got a bloody nose and after 30 minutes of profuse bleeding the attending came in ordered some clotting factor drug and more platelets.  At 6:30 am this morning poor Kimbell was up bleeding again.  This time she bled for about an hour 🙁 and was transfused again.  Now she gets platelets anytime she is under 50.  Despite all the sleep and pain Kimbell continues to amaze everyone on the floor.  Today she woke in tears because it has become hard to swallow her spit yet despite these obstacles she still took 6 pills.  Unfortunately some drugs do not come in IV form 🙁

On a positive note 🙂  Yesterday we went and got mail and Kimbell had care packages!!!  This means sooooo much to her, to all of us really.  To know how much people care and love her.  She woke up for about 10 minutes, long enough to ooooh and ahhh, try on a hat, see the sunshine (a magically decorated care package!) and give us big smiles 🙂  We continue to be blessed with one of K’s oldest friends being here.  This family has been kind of in town but not really.  They live in Texas near us and are on vacation 3 hours away from the hospital, but they have been coming every couple of days to see Kimbell.  Today K had little energy and S (her friend) just laid in bed with her.  They played a little and then took a nap.  What a precious kind soul this child has, and what an amazing family.  You guys have been instrumental in helping us get this far.

Last but not least, K’s hair is definitely coming out.  I so wish it had come out sooner and it has been thinning for the last week but this afternoon it literally started coming out in clumps.  Her head itches which the doctors say is from the dead hair follicles…  I’m not sure how long this will take but it is definitely emotional… must more so than even the chemo.  I suppose it’s due to the fact that the chemo and all these meds go internal and you only see them for a second.  Having the hair mat up, fall out and be all over everything is everywhere with you…then when it’s finally out you have to live with being bald or the peach fuzz growing back in.  We’ve all be in tears quite a bit over this one…

From what we are told things will continue to go down hill from here for another couple of weeks.  God willing, Kimbell will hold on and fight to stay above water until her new cells grow in properly.  It’s amazing how medical things have come along… Kimbell gets an artificial immune system with antibodies from thousands of people in one 6 hour infusion, she gets platelets, hemoglobin, white cells, etc from various blood transfusions and bone marrow growth factor stimulants.  All artificial!!!!  Won’t be that way forever though…soon enough Kimbell’s donor cells will grow and she will have to get less and less of the fake stuff. 🙂

Good night to all of you.  Thank you all again for your thoughts, prayers and support.  Kimbell loves getting your messages, emails, texts, packages and cards.  She gets a ton of motivation and drive from all of it, especially when the packages show up in the mail!!  Kids love to get mail! haha!  That’ll all change when she gets older!!! 🙂

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6 thoughts on “Day +6

    • Author gravatar

      You have an amazing girl there and the both of you are doing amazing! Keep holding in there!!!

    • Author gravatar

      Kimbell-we continue to pray for you and await your moms update each day. The girls have been following along with the blog. I pray for the pain to subside. I pray that your strength and determination will remain strong, I pray for your mom and dad. Take one day at a time sweet girl! You can do this! “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”. Ava my daughter was so amazed at how strong you have been throughout this process. She asked about your hair and we talked about it. She made the decision to cut 8 inches off her hair to donate for a wig. She really wanted you to have it! No matter what happens, we know you will still be as beautiful as ever!!!

    • Author gravatar

      K am in hopes you will be at the National! I will be there and help you collect pennies like you did a couple of years ago. Oups don’t tell mom and dad! Crosby sends BIG LICKS for a fast recovery.. Ok off to groom and get ready for shows this weekend. By the way “Alice” is having 8 – 9 puppies in about 10 days. Ok am off to bed!!! Love ya!!! HANG in there little K you will beat this!!!

    • Author gravatar

      Kimbell. You are amazing and your family too. Stay strong, you are going to get better! You have to, too many people and sheepies are praying for you! We anxiously a await updates on your progress. Love and hugs!

    • Author gravatar

      Continuing to pray daily!!

    • Author gravatar

      you can beat this girl , and you have amazing parents

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