Day +1, Morning Update

Hey everyone,  Here’s a quick update on Kimbell’s progress…

She slept through the night, only waking quickly here/there to vomit and then go right back to sleep.  The pain has been quite awful for her since the transplant was completed.  Some of this is routine and the docs said things will continue to get worse for a few weeks and ‘hopefully’ pick back up.  With your prayers and Kimbell’s winning attitude I am confident we will win this battle.

Just a few minutes ago Kimbell was crying because she hurts so badly.  She’s maxed out on all the medicine she can take and it’s still quite bad.  Nausea and pain…  Please pray this goes away quickly.  Kimbell asked me if they could put her old marrow back and told me she can live with the shots, infusions, etc. but not the pain she’s in right now..  Literally broke my heart into pieces…  I held strong and gave her the pep talk about how everything will be okay and this is just the new marrow running it’s course.  We spoke about what it means and takes to be a fighter and how good things will be once she’s out of this phase.  She nodded her head and agreed to continue…

We will get through this… one day at a time…

P.S. Thank you all very much for the calls, texts and emails.  We received hundreds…literally.  Our apologies for not getting back to you, we’ve had our hands full. 🙂  We truly appreciate the support, thoughts, prayers and all you’ve done for our family.  Paige, Kimbell and I have been truly blessed with outstanding friends and family.  We love all of you!!


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