September = complications and exhaustion

So much has happened that I don’t know where to start.  🙁 Kimbell is holding in there.  She is still throwing up multiple times a day and apparently this can last for some time.  We are still going to clinic 3-4 times a week because her kidneys are still not happy.  Her creatinine continues to slowly rise despite the fact […]

Happy Birthday 10th Kimbell!!!

Today’s Kimbell’s birthday! 🙂  She was soooo excited last night she couldn’t sleep! …and she had to stay up until midnight so she got the full birthday effect! Thanks to everyone that’s wished her a happy birthday and those  of you that were able to send her a gift.  I cannot tell you how much you made her day!  We […]

Positive cultures, blood infection and more hospital time… Day 46 update!

Kimbell has a tough day today inpatient.  She has been in quite a bit of pain in her head and back as well as severe nausea/vomiting.  It’s been tough to keep anything down her and she won’t hardly eat or drink again.  Man, it seems like we took a 4 week rewind!!! This afternoon the doc came in and let […]

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