John Stevenson C/O Residence Inn 425 South Second St. Minneapolis, MN 55401
Last night was well depressing. We stayed up so late. Kimbell is scared, who isn’t? And it is so hard to comfort her because she knows and understands the risks and the fear is real. That really doesn’t make sense 🙁 then she laid with Stitch and cried. Her dog is always with her and he is such an amazing […]
So yesterday we had our exit conference, where we went over all of her test results and got the green light to proceed with the transplant. You know the risks going into this but for some reason no matter how many people you know that have been down this road and you think you have been there for those friends […]
Karing 4 Kimbell Day It took John and I days to go through just parts of what resulted from Karing 4 Kimbell Day and we still aren’t done. Each card, letter, picture, “love offering” brought tears to our eyes. As one person said love and prayers are the two most powerful gifts anyone can give you. That child could not […]
Thought I would pass along an image of Kimbell doing her tests this morning. 🙂
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