And we are stuck Day 45 :(

Yesterday things were looking great. Kimbell finally stopped throwing up just in time to celebrate her birthday with her aunt and cousin complete with a red velvet gourmet cake from our favorite bakery in Houston!  K and Z played for hours and for some reason I was just worried, may have had something to do with K’s attitude….  Z left for the night and Kimbell said I’m going to bed! Hmmmmmm….

The night nurse came on, did vitals and told me her temp as she got really busy all of a sudden. A few minutes later I asked what her temp was again.  Oh that’s why it didn’t register! Kimbell, our child whose immune system doesn’t know how to mount a fever, has a freaking fever!!!  Seriously?!?  The positive side of this is that her new marrow obviously is working!  Reality for my 9 year old daughter is that more than likely she will spend her 10th birthday in the hospital.  Needless to say she is crushed :(.   Her counts this morning were pretty miserable. All three cell lines took a huge hit. She will get Neupogen today for her neutrophils, close to needing blood and then her platelets for the first time in a month are low so hopefully they won’t get any lower.

If anyone happens to be going to the mall and passes by the Disney Store…. K is in love with the new Tsum Tsums and they are pretty hard to find.   They have proven to be quite elusive 🙁 if you see them can you please let me know?   Thank you!

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